Zum Auftakt der Hamburg Summer Talk Series des Instituts für Internationale Angelgenheiten  laden wir Sie herzlich zu folgender online Veranstaltung ein: 

Up in the Air: The European Court of Human Right’s Interpretations of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Context
Malika Mehta, Dr. Anne Dienelt & Prof. Dr. Stefan Oeter

On 16 Fe­bru­ary, the Eu­ro­pean Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Ger­many in the case Hanan v. Ger­many con­cerning a 2009 NATO Kun­duz air­strike re­sulting in the de­aths of ci­vi­lians in Af­ghanistan. Once again, the Court dealt with ques­tions of ex­tra­territorial ju­risdiction. Did it cla­ri­fy or mo­di­fy its con­cept of ex­tra­terroriality? In what si­tua­tions and under which cir­cumstances have other Human Rights sys­tems af­firmed ex­traterritorial ju­risdiction? What are the im­pli­cations of the judgment for the Ger­man con­text?

Die Anmeldung erfolgt unter folgendem Link:



31 May 2021, 6 pm CEST
Climate Justice: The Case of the German Federal Climate Change Act and Beyond
Prof. Dr. Andreas L. Paulus & Dr. Anne Dienelt

14 June 2021, 6 pm CEST
Analyzing Military Necessity
Dr. Nobuo Hayashi & Dr. Dieter Fleck

28 June 2021, 6 pm CEST
UN Diplomacy Reloaded?
Blanca Montejo & Maximilian Waßmuth