14 June 2021, 6 pm CEST
Analyzing Military Necessity
Dr. Nobuo Hayashi & Dr. Dieter Fleck & Prof. Dr. Stefan Oeter

The prin­ciple of mi­li­ta­ry ne­ces­si­ty is, like the other core prin­ciples of in­ter­na­tio­nal hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an law (IHL) ­such as dis­tinc­tion or pro­por­tio­na­li­ty, an es­sen­ti­al com­po­nent of IHL. It al­lows for mea­su­res that are ne­cessary to ac­complish a la­w­ful mi­li­tary pur­pose. In ge­ne­ral, the only la­w­ful mi­li­tary pur­po­se is to wea­ken the other bel­li­gerent's mi­litary ca­pa­city, which­ can run coun­ter to hu­ma­nitarian ex­i­gencies. Past con­flicts (e.g. the use of le­t­hal force by Is­ra­el or ­the de­struc­tion of cul­tu­ral pro­per­ty in Mali­ ) il­lustrate the chal­len­ges re­gar­ding mi­li­ta­ry ne­ces­si­ty in prac­tice. How can mi­li­ta­ry com­man­ders and legal ad­vi­sors in the field apply mi­li­ta­ry ne­ces­si­ty? How can it be bet­ter ope­ra­tio­na­li­zed?

Save the date:

28 June 2021, 6 pm CEST
UN Diplomacy Reloaded?
Blanca Montejo & Maximilian Waßmuth

Ansprechpartnerin: Dr. Anne Dienelt (anne.dienelt@uni-hamburg.de)